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CoC Onboarding Course 2: Continuum of Care Basics (CoC 101)
Continuum of Care (CoC) Programming
CoC Onboarding Course 2: Continuum of Care Basics (CoC 101)
This 6-video, 38 minute course will provide all the basic information needed to understand the purpose and function on a Continuum of Care.
CoC Onboarding Course 1: Introduction
Continuum of Care (CoC) Programming
CoC Onboarding Course 1: Introduction
This 7 minute video provides an introduction to the Indianapolis Continuum of Care New Provider Onboarding Training Series.
CoC Onboarding Course 3: HUD Homeless Definitions
Continuum of Care (CoC) Programming
CoC Onboarding Course 3: HUD Homeless Definitions
This 9 video, 29 minute course describes the HUD Homeless Definitions. This course includes Check Your Knowledge testing. Topics include: Category 1 Definition Category 2 Definition Category 3 Definition Category 4 Definition Documentation...
CoC Onboarding Course 4: The Indianapolis Continuum of Care
Continuum of Care (CoC) Programming
CoC Onboarding Course 4: The Indianapolis Continuum of Care
This 4 video, 18-minute course describes the Indianapolis Continuum of Care. It includes the following information: Introduction CoC Structure (Partners/Responsible Parties; Collective Impact Overview; How funding is obtained/maintained) CoC...
CoC Onboarding Course 5: Introduction to HMIS
Continuum of Care (CoC) Programming
CoC Onboarding Course 5: Introduction to HMIS
This 6 video,19 minute course provides basic information related to the Indianapolis HMIS. Topics include: What HMIS is, Participation Requirements, Data Collection and Reporting Requirements, the Data Quality Plan, Basic Privacy, and Basic...
CoC Onboarding Course 7: Data & The Community
Continuum of Care (CoC) Programming
CoC Onboarding Course 7: Data & The Community
This course consists of 6 videos and is about 37 minutes long. Topics covered include: Overview of Performance Measurement Community Plan to End Homelessness System Federal Reporting Data in the NOFO HUD System Performance Measures...

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